Your real estate agency
Rouen – Le Havre
Last properties of the agency Rouen – Le Havre

Espaces Atypiques Rouen-Le Havre
Between Rouen and Le Havre, the entire Seine Maritime stretches out to the sea. In this region, Espaces Atypiques unearths pearls on the side of Rouen, Le Havre, Dieppe but also in Eure on the side of Evreux, de Giverny and de Bernay. Specializing in atypical real estate, the agency offers in its catalog lofts, renovated old buildings and contemporary houses by architects. Other expressive properties complete the offer, such as attic apartments in half-timbered houses in Rouen, apartments with sea views, Norman thatched cottages or large estates on the banks of the Seine such as mansions, houses of master, and even castles.
L’agence d’immobilier atypique Rouen – Le Havre
The Espaces Atypiques Rouen – Le Havre agency is locate in the Antiques district in the heart of Rouen. There, many agents specializing in luxury real estate will listen to your project and its requirements.
L’agence d’immobilier atypique Rouen – Le Havre
L’agence Espaces Atypiques Rouen – Le Havre est située dans le quartier des Antiquaires en plein cœur de Rouen. Notre équipe composée de nombreux agents spécialisés en immobilier de luxe sauront être à l’écoute de votre projet et de ses exigences.

Honoraires de vente :
5% TTC du prix de vente à la charge du vendeur pour les biens au dessus de 200 000 euros.
7% TTC du prix de vente à la charge du vendeur pour les biens en dessous de 200 000 euros.
* Honoraires à la charge de l’acquéreur en cas de vente d’un bien en succession
* Honoraires de chasse indexés sur le prix de vente, 3,5% à la charge de l’acquéreur
Ces honoraires sont pratiqués dans une majorité des transactions et restent exceptionnellement susceptibles d’évoluer dans des limites proches des conditions établies
Habitation : Honoraires agence à la charge du locataire : un mois de loyer hors charges dans la limite du plafond fixé par la loi ALUR, soit 12€ TTC/m2 pour les zones très tendues, 10€ TTC/m2 pour les zones tendues, 8€ TTC/m2 pour autre zones.
A cela s’ajoute 3€/m2 pour la réalisation de l’état des lieux.
Honoraires agence à la charge du propriétaire : un mois de loyer hors charges TTC
Local commercial ou bureau à la charge du preneur : 30% de loyer annuel hors taxes hors charges
ESPACES ATYPIQUES Rouen-Le Havre, situé au2 place du Lieutenant Aubert, 76 000 Rouen (Siret : 503 605 263 00105) est un établissement secondaire de la société ESPACES ATYPIQUES DEVELOPPEMENT , SARL au capital de 200 000 euros (RCS Paris : 503 605 263 00113), dont le siège social est situé 5 bis rue des Haudriettes – 75003 Paris
Carte professionnelle Transactions sur immeubles et fonds de commerce n° CPI 7501 2017 000 016 202 délivrée par la CCI de Paris Île-de-France
ESPACES ATYPIQUES DEVELOPPEMENT est adhérent au SNPI (Syndicat des Professionnels de l’Immobilier).
Directeur de la Publication : Monsieur Julien Haussy en sa qualité de gérant.
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Passionate, serious and loving to transmit, Matthieu began his professional career in the sports world.
Then quickly, his career will focus on the world of real estate, first advising then managing, it is naturally that he is seduced by the Atypical Spaces adventure.
Professional, committed to human values and a lover of photography and beautiful things, Matthieu takes responsibility for the Rouen agency after 10 years in traditional real estate.

Passionate about audiovisual, travel and architecture, Claire wanted to make a turn in her professional career by leaving the world of accounting expertise to start her adventure in the real estate sector, occupying the position of agency assistant and rental consultant.
Listening to others, rigorous and empathetic, she will best support you in your rental search project and in the follow-up of your files.
Sharing the values of the group, it is only natural that she joins the Espaces Atypiques team!

Passionate, determined and enthusiastic, Jean-Marc has a long commercial experience to his credit.
After studying business and starting a career in classic real estate, he had a successful career in the world of textiles and more particularly sportswear, before successfully resuming legal studies in real estate law.
With his strong taste for architecture and design, all the conditions were met to join Espaces Atypiques in his region of origin to which he has remained faithful.
In Le Havre, he will accompany you with the originality, aesthetics and realism that suit your living space project.
Commercial Agent – RSAC n °: 881 282 982 Le Havre

Evolving from an early age in an environment where art and architecture occupied a predominant place, Laurie very quickly educated her look at the design and scenography of the places in which she evolves.
After studying Public Relations, she headed for a career in events in the fashion and luxury sector, first in Brussels, before joining the ranks of a prestigious Parisian agency to then evolve forever in the same sector as a freelancer.
These 20 years spent in this avant-garde and demanding universe have taught him rigor, attention to detail and the ability to listen.
After a few private experiences in exceptional real estate, wishing to live a new professional and human adventure as strong and intense as the previous one, and sharing the same ethical and aesthetic values, it is quite naturally that she went to Espaces Atypiques.
Passionate about beautiful places, Laurie will put all her skills at your service and accompany you throughout your journey to transform your real estate dreams into reality.
Sales Agent – n°RSAC 820 693 950 Rouen

Dynamic, passionate and rigorous, David loves communication and customer service above all else.
After an atypical career made up of a career as a professional sportsman and physical trainer for fifteen years, then a successful retraining in the world of international luxury hotels as a hotel executive for another fifteen year, David will finally choose to discover the world of real estate where he acquires the fundamentals within an international group.
In search of excellence, he obviously joined Espaces Atypiques on his return to Normandy.
His enthusiasm and good humor make him a jovial person who is easy to work with and it is with his communicative joie de vivre that he will listen to your real estate project.
Commercial agent – N°RSAC : 909 115 685 Rouen

Beautician for 20 years, Marie has decided to take on a new professional challenge. For this, she chose a field that fascinates her, real estate.
Her career in aesthetics allows her to develop skills essential to this profession such as the ability to listen and understand the needs of customers, but also that of building a bond of trust with her customers.
Passionate about beautiful homes, interior decoration and painting since always, it is quite naturally that she goes to Espaces Atypiques.
Agent commercial : RSAC 480 786 615 – Rouen

After a master’s degree in law with an option in art history, Eva began her career as a lawyer in the philanthropy department of a large foundation before joining the insurance sector.
Subsequently, she worked as a legal manager in real estate law, applying her rigor and expertise to her missions.
Passionate about real estate and with her previous experience, Eva naturally joined Espaces Atypicals, a real estate network corresponding to her values and where she will be able to use her human and professional skills to serve her clients.
Passionate about beautiful homes and interior decoration, she loves discovering and promoting exceptional places, while cultivating a taste for aesthetics and refinement.
Dynamic and sporty, Eva approaches each challenge with energy and good humor. She is an attentive and committed person, making a point of paying attention to every detail to understand the needs of her clients.
She favors personalized support, always ensuring to offer adapted and human solutions.
Commercial agent: RSAC 931 582 753 – Rouen

Gifted with great sensitivity, Ronan is particularly attentive and attentive to the well-being of others.
He began his career in the hotel industry where his sense of service and his rigor were particularly appreciated.
Truly insatiable and constantly looking for new challenges, he pushes the doors of the telecommunications field and flourishes in personalized customer advice boosting points of sale through high-quality support.
His background and performance allowed him to join a large wealth management network where he worked, for 9 years, in the field of financial investment, protection and insurance.
Originally from Brittany, passionate about the history of buildings, beautiful stones and architecture, he changed direction and joined the world of real estate.
For almost 10 years Ronan has had a “let’s motiv”: supporting life projects! His frank and sincere personality, accompanied by undeniable originality, will naturally lead Ronan to join Espaces Atypiques.
Commercial Agent: RSAC 818 927 329 – Le Havre