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Agency Rennes
Agency Rennes
THOURIE 35134 244 SQM 505 300 €
Agency Rennes
LAVAL 53000 180 SQM 600 000 €
Agency Rennes
LAVAL 53000 400 SQM 780 000 €
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35 ILLE-ET-VILAINE, 53000 LAVAL Location
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Last properties of the agency Rennes

Agency Rennes
RENNES 35000 105 SQM 626 500 €
Agency Rennes
Agency Rennes
Agency Rennes
THOURIE 35134 244 SQM 505 300 €

Les biens icôniques de l'agence Rennes

Espaces Atypiques
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Espaces Atypiques Rennes

Just like the hyper center of Rennes, all the districts of the city are scrutinized by the Atypical Spaces teams: Arsenal-Redon, Thabor, Saint-Martin, Sud-Gare, the “little California” or even the district de la Touche, between the town center and the Bois de Sillandais. The agency also operates throughout the Ille-et-Vilaine department, on the banks of the Rance, in the Vilaine valley, in the Vitré and Fougères regions. The Emerald Coast is not to be outdone either and there are beautiful residences in Saint-Malo, Dinard, Saint-Briac and Saint-Lunaire.

The real estate agency Rennes

Are you dreaming of a farmhouse in the Breton countryside, an architect-designed villa by the water or beautiful 18th and 19th century apartments in the city center of Rennes? Meet at the Rennes agency, in the theater gallery. Very popular with Bretons, the Place de la Mairie houses the Opera and the Town Hall. An ideal location since it connects the north, south and downtown of the city.

It is there, in an old place completely rehabilitated by the architect Antoine Schmidt and his Rennes agency UnPlusUn, that Espaces Atypicals has taken up residence.

Spread over two levels (a first dedicated to reception with a lounge side and a second reserved for offices), the space benefits from beautiful light, advantageous volumes and remarkable ceiling height. In a nod to the Espaces Atypicals graphic charter, the Rennes address is draped in duck blue and sparkling orange. Keep your eyes peeled, on the walls you can enjoy splendid photos of Rennes and superb sculptures.

The little detail that stands out is hidden upstairs, in one of the two offices, a large half-moon bay window offers a breathtaking view of the Town Hall.

Designed to be cozy and warm, the agency and its team of experts in luxury real estate and exceptional properties will put their knowledge and their network at the service of your project.

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Nos adresses
13, Galerie du théâtre - Rennes 35000
From Monday to Friday: 10h à 13h et de 14h à 19h
Contacter Espaces Atypiques Rennes
Our team

The members of our Espaces Atypiques team are highly talented individuals from a broad diversity of backgrounds, all sharing the same passion for outstanding property and client satisfaction.

Séverine Cardon
Directrice Location et administration
Séverine Cardon
Directrice Location et administration

Originaire du Perche (Haut lieu de trésors architecturaux), Séverine a toujours été sensible aux belles pierres et lieux d’exception ! Enthousiaste et entreprenante, elle était chargée de développer et de faire vivre  un portefeuille de gestion locative depuis de nombreuses années dans l’immobilier traditionnel.

En quête de nouvelles aventures et rencontres, Séverine nous rejoint afin de développer un nouveau portefeuille  “whaouh” pour Espaces Atypiques !
Vous souhaitez confier votre bien en location ? Vous recherchez un bien à louer ? Quelque soit votre projet, Séverine vous aidera et vous accompagnera avec professionnalisme et rigueur pour une location réussie à 200%!!
Yann Martin
Sales Manager
Yann Martin
Sales Manager

Breton from Haute Bretagne and head of art, Yann, we knew him as a musician, then commercial director in the service of beautiful record companies like harmonia mundi. His admiration for the artists he meets leads him later to become their producer. In search of a new audience and because he wants to share his passion for music, he creates “Jazz à L’Etage Festival” in his hometown: Rennes. A festival which today is anchored in the Breton cultural landscape and for which it still provides artistic direction …

New chapter, return to sales and contact, to a service activity in a sector less light than jazz, but certainly the most important in terms of the French: real estate! After a few years spent in a traditional agency, Yann Martin joined the Atypical Spaces Team, an agency like no other, a large house that shares the values ​​he has defended without concession throughout his journey!
Yann Martin – RSAC 751749771 – Rennes

Yveline Davenel
Yveline Davenel

Keen on traveling, in a tent in the middle of the desert or in the aesthetics of the most beautiful hotels; Initiated very young to painting, sculpture but even more sensitive to photography and architecture.

Coming from a notarial profession, then property manager within a large French group, my reconversion had to combine my enriching experience and my passions.

A great lover of exceptional goods, it was quite natural that I wanted to join Espaces Atypiques.

Conseiller immobilier
Conseiller immobilier

Originally from the North of France, Maxime is proud of his region, its cultural heritage and the values it instilled in him.

His diverse and varied experiences as well as his four years in the field of contemporary high-end furniture have allowed him to refine his gaze to offer everyone a home that resembles him.

Passionate about interior architecture, decoration, design and renovation, it is quite natural that he wanted to join the large family Espaces Atypiques.

With a natural smile, dynamic and involved, he will be able to accompany you in all your life projects.

Conseillère immobillier
Conseillère immobillier

Après avoir quitté sa Normandie natale pour Rennes afin de mener à bien ses études d’architecture, tout en ayant fait un détour par le Brésil, Claire s’est finalement installée dans la capitale Bretonne pour pratiquer son métier.

S’en est suivi une douzaine d’année au service du neuf, de la rénovation, et ce, dans différents domaines, y compris les maisons d’habitation, puis c’est comme une évidence que Claire rejoint la famille d’Espaces Atypiques.

Aujourd’hui c’est avec passion que Claire dédie ses compétences à faire se rencontrer des biens uniques à des personnes uniques.


EI – Agent commercial – RSAC – Rennes 948 838 693


EI – Agent commercial – RSAC – Rennes 984 714 139

Fatoumata TOGOLA
Fatoumata TOGOLA
Agency fees


> 5% VAT payable by the seller for goods over 200,000 €
> 7% VAT payable  by the seller for goods less than 200,000 €

These fees are applied in most transactions and remain exceptionally liable to change within limits close to the established conditions


ESPACES ATYPIQUES Rennes,  situé au 13, galerie du théâtre – 35000 RENNES , est un établissement secondaire de la société ESPACES ATYPIQUES DEVELOPPEMENT , SARL au capital de 200 000 euros (RCS Paris : 503 605 263 00113), dont le siège social est situé 5 bis rue des Haudriettes – 75003 Paris

Carte professionnelle Transactions sur immeubles et fonds de commerce n° CPI 7501 2017 000 016 202  délivrée par la CCI de Paris Île-de-France

ESPACES ATYPIQUES DEVELOPPEMENT est adhérent au  SNPI (Syndicat des Professionnels de l’Immobilier). www.snpi.fr

Directeur de la Publication : Monsieur Julien Haussy en sa qualité de gérant.


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Développement et intégration : Agence internet Atlantic Multimedia

Last properties sold
Agency Rennes
Agency Rennes
35290 SAINT MEEN LE GRAND - Loft Flamenco grand format - à 30 mn de Rennes - Réf. EARE142
Agency Rennes

Nos biens immobiliers actuellement en vente à Rennes

Agency Rennes
RENNES 35000 105 SQM 626 500 €
Agency Rennes
Agency Rennes

Nos biens immobiliers actuellement en vente à Saint-Malo

Agency Rennes
SAINT MALO 35400 196.21 SQM 927 000 €

Nos biens immobiliers actuellement en vente à Dinard

Agency Rennes
DINARD 35800 190 SQM 2 095 000 €
Agency Rennes
DINARD 35800 83.23 SQM 685 000 €
Agency Rennes
DINARD 35800 196 SQM 1 020 000 €

Nos biens immobiliers actuellement en vente à Bruz

Agency Rennes

Nos biens immobiliers actuellement en vente à Cesson-Sévigné

Sale agreed
Agency Rennes
Agency Rennes
CESSON SEVIGNE 35510 133.12 SQM 589 500 €

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