Last properties of the agency Pau
Espaces Atypiques Pau
If the real estate agency is based in Pau, it extends its expertise throughout Béarn. The advisors will be able to guide you in the search for atypical properties in Billère, Jurançon, Lons, Lescar, Bizanos, Idron or even in the Trespoey district.
In this region of south-west France, the most sought-after properties are beautiful mansions or bourgeois buildings. The real estate market is also rich in English-style houses – properties which bear witness to the history of the territory formerly occupied by the English – and in contemporary villas or houses.
The Pau real estate agency
Present throughout the region, the team of specialists from the Espaces Atypiques Pau agency has set up shop in the heart of the business district, right in the city center in the middle of the axis starting from Place Verdun, at Les Halles. It is at the foot of a 1960s building, backed by the art & deco workshop bringing together architecture, art and design, that the atypical real estate experts receive their clients. In perfect harmony with the brand’s DNA and the spirit instilled by its founder Julien Haussy, the interior decoration was inspired by the sixties by choosing designer furniture made up of unique pieces. A warm place that takes advantage of its neighborhood to organize aperitifs that combine atypical real estate, art and design.
SALES Sales Fees:
5% including VAT of the sale price payable by the seller* for goods over €200,000
€10,000 including tax payable by the seller* for goods under €200,000
* Fees payable by the purchaser in the event of the sale of a property in succession
Residential lease
Fees payable by the tenant: one month's rent excluding charges within the limit of the ceiling set by the ALUR law, i.e. €12 including tax/m2 for very tight areas, €10 including tax/m2 for tight areas, €8 including tax/ m2 for other areas.
To this is added 3€/m2 for the realization of the inventory.
Fees payable by the owner: one month's rent excluding charges including tax
To this is added 3€/m2 for the realization of the inventory.
Commercial lease
Fees payable by the lessee: 30% of annual rent excluding taxes excluding charges
Civil Lease
Fees payable by the owner and the tenant: one month's rent including charges
Hunting fees indexed to the sale price, 3.5% payable by the buyer
La société ESPACES ATYPIQUES DEVELOPPEMENT, SARL au capital de 200 000 euros (RCS Paris : 503 605 263 00113), dont le siège social est situé 1 bis avenue de la République – 75011 Paris
Carte professionnelle Transactions sur immeubles et fonds de commerce n° CPI 7501 2017 000 016 202 délivrée par la CCI de Paris Île-de-France
ESPACES ATYPIQUES DÉVELOPPEMENT est adhérent au SNPI (Syndicat des Professionnels de l’Immobilier).
Directeur de la Publication : Monsieur Julien Haussy en sa qualité de gérant.
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Développement et intégration : Agence internet Atlantic Multimedia
Après avoir évolué dans l’univers des Casinos, Linda a ensuite orienté sa carrière dans l’entreprenariat en créant sa boutique de vêtements.
Influente et engagée, Linda décide ensuite de rejoindre Espaces Atypiques, sur le secteur Pays Basque/ Landes.
Passionnée par l’architecture et le design, le choix d’une collaboration avec le réseau fut une évidence.
Agent commercial – 421 883 828
Curieux, inventif, amateur d’art et de décoration, David s’investit depuis plus de 20 ans avec passion dans l’immobilier, l’art et le design. Doté d’un cursus juridique en notariat, il a construit sa carrière dans l’agencement d’espaces, la création de mobilier et de compositions d’art contemporain.
Passionné de rugby et de pelote, sportif accompli, David rejoint avec énergie et talent Espaces Atypiques pour y partager sa vision de l’esthétisme dans l’immobilier de charme et de caractère.
Agent commercial – 424 848 216