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Last properties of the agency Eure

Agency Eure
Saint Aubin sur Gaillon 27600 170 SQM 500 000 €
Agency Eure
ST AUBIN SUR GAILLON 27600 185 SQM 550 000 €
Agency Eure
Agency Eure
LA HAYE DU THEIL 27370 173 SQM 399 500 €
Agency Eure
BREUILPONT 27640 315 SQM 650 000 €

The agency’s iconic properties Eure

Espaces Atypiques
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Espaces Atypiques Eure

Welcome to Eure, in the heart of Normandy. A particularly wooded department, bordered by the Seine and in which the teams of the Espaces Atypiques real estate agency unearth real real estate treasures. Are you looking for a farmhouse to renovate in Évreux, a thatched cottage in Gisors, or an equestrian property around Giverny.

Attentive to your project, the team of specialists at the Eure real estate agency will be able to find the home of your dreams, wherever it is, in the Eure or Iton valleys, from Vernon to Bernay, via Brionne and Louviers. On the menu: rural dwellings to be redesigned like old barns, stables or mills, like more bourgeois buildings (mansions, mansions or castles).

The real estate agency Espaces Atypiques Eure

It is in Pacy-sur-Eure, a pretty town that the team of the real estate agency Eure has set its decor, in a building, where on the facade is still painted, the mention “Umbrella”, witness of ‘ a commercial past that is now over. Specialist advisers will be able to guide you regardless of the progress of your real estate project.

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Our addresses
28 Rue Edouard Isambard - 27120 Pacy-sur-Eure
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Agency fees


Honoraires de vente :
5% TTC du prix de vente à la charge du vendeur pour les biens au dessus de 200 000 euros.
7% TTC du prix de vente à la charge du vendeur pour les biens en dessous de 200 000 euros.
* Honoraires à la charge de l’acquéreur en cas de vente d’un bien en succession
* Honoraires de chasse indexés sur le prix de vente, 3,5% à la charge de l’acquéreur

Ces honoraires sont pratiqués dans une majorité des transactions et restent exceptionnellement susceptibles d’évoluer dans des limites proches des conditions établies.


Habitation : Honoraires agence à la charge du locataire : un mois de loyer hors charges dans la limite du plafond fixé par la loi ALUR, soit 12€ TTC/m2 pour les zones très tendues, 10€ TTC/m2 pour les zones tendues, 8€ TTC/m2 pour autre zones.
A cela s’ajoute 3€/m2 pour la réalisation de l’état des lieux.
Honoraires agence à la charge du propriétaire : un mois de loyer hors charges TTC

Local commercial ou bureau à la charge du preneur : 30% de loyer annuel hors taxes hors charges.


Honoraires à la charge de l’acquéreur
4% pour un achat jusqu’à 600.000€
3,5% pour un achat entre 601.000€ et 800.000€
3% pour un achat entre 801.000€ et 1.000.000€
2,5% pour un achat au delà d’1.000.000€


ESPACES ATYPIQUES Rouen, situé au 2 place du Lieutenant Aubert à 76000 Rouen (Siret : 503 605 263 00105) est un établissement secondaire de la société ESPACES ATYPIQUES DEVELOPPEMENT , SARL au capital de 200 000 euros (RCS Paris : 503 605 263 00113), dont le siège social est situé 1 bis avenue de la République – 75011 Paris

Carte professionnelle Transactions sur immeubles et fonds de commerce n° CPI 7501 2017 000 016 202  délivrée par la CCI de Paris Île-de-France

ESPACES ATYPIQUES DEVELOPPEMENT est adhérent au  SNPI (Syndicat des Professionnels de l’Immobilier).

Directeur de la Publication : Monsieur Julien Haussy en sa qualité de gérant.


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Last properties sold
Agency Eure
Agency Eure
Agency Eure
Your Espaces Atypiques team assist you
Matthieu Berthe
Agency Director
Matthieu Berthe
Agency Director

Passionate, serious and loving to transmit, Matthieu began his professional career in the sports world.

Then quickly, his career will focus on the world of real estate, first advising then managing, it is naturally that he is seduced by the Atypical Spaces adventure.

Professional, committed to human values ​​and a lover of photography and beautiful things, Matthieu takes responsibility for the Rouen agency after 10 years in traditional real estate.

Claire Dubot
Sales assistant - Rental consultant
Claire Dubot
Sales assistant - Rental consultant

Passionate about audiovisual, travel and architecture, Claire wanted to make a turn in her professional career by leaving the world of accounting expertise to start her adventure in the real estate sector, occupying the position of agency assistant and rental consultant.

Listening to others, rigorous and empathetic, she will best support you in your rental search project and in the follow-up of your files.

Sharing the values ​​of the group, it is only natural that she joins the Espaces Atypiques team!

Laura Plet
Work-study assistant
Laura Plet
Work-study assistant
Francis Becus
Francis Becus
Sales consultant
Francis Becus
Sales consultant

Passionate and working in the world of luxury, perfumes and cosmetics for many years, Francis joined Espaces Atypiques, rich in this experience and endowed with a keen sense of commerce, it is therefore with desire and motivation that he joined the charming and atypical real estate market.

Professional and attached to contacts and people, he will be keen to share his good humor and his know-how with you to move forward in your real estate adventure.

Commercial agent – n °RSAC: 882 170 970 Evreux

Tony Mounier
Sales Consultant
Tony Mounier
Sales Consultant

With 20 years of experience in the world of catering, firstly in luxury events where the art of hosting is a state of mind more than a profession, then in a more confidential way at the heart of large French institutions where interpersonal skills and discretion take precedence, Tony has developed a real ability to satisfy prestigious and demanding clients.

Evolving daily in buildings steeped in history, testimony to unique and singular architectural know-how, now long gone, Tony is passionate about stone and noble materials.

By joining Espaces Atypicals, Tony puts his energy and good humor to support his clients with their unique real estate projects.
Understanding of needs, satisfaction with a job well done, ethics and professionalism are his daily driving forces.

Commercial agent RSAC number: 982 124 752 EVREUX

Ludivine Borel
Sales Consultant
Ludivine Borel
Sales Consultant

Determined, curious and committed, Ludivine is in love with moments of exchange and sharing.

With a rich and diversified professional experience, in teaching, industry and the conduct of real estate work, she has acquired a real sense of listening, detail and high standards, and will do everything possible to establish a solid partnership with you.

These last 8 years spent renovating properties steeped in history, affirming her taste for beautiful buildings, naturally led Ludivine to join Espaces Atypicals, which she considers to be a logical outcome, representing ethical values ​​and excellence which she are expensive.

Eager to place people at the heart of all relationships, Ludivine will be able to put her enthusiasm and dynamism to the service of your atypical life projects, with rigor and unfailing determination.

Commercial agent – RSAC number: 925 280 414 Evreux

WIlly Wits
Sales Consultant
WIlly Wits
Sales Consultant

After around thirty years spent in the High-Tech industry in sales and marketing roles, Willy has always been attracted by unusual homes.

Buildings steeped in history, mills with a poetic soul, majestic mansions and mysterious outbuildings have always aroused his curiosity, he is passionate about renovation and rehabilitation.

Willy is interested in interior decoration and the ability of everyone to transform homes into atypical living spaces.

Former client seduced by the Espaces Atypicals know-how, he joined the Eure team to in turn support the projects of sellers and buyers in a friendly and professional atmosphere.

His innate sense of commercial relations and his human values ​​will be the bases of a collaboration based on trust, the key to a successful real estate transaction.

Commercial agent – RSAC number: 513 245 837 Evreux

Nos biens immobiliers actuellement en vente à Vernon

Nos biens immobiliers actuellement en vente à Evreux

Agency Eure
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